How To Win A Slip And Fall Accident Case In 3 Simple Steps

How To Win A Slip And Fall Accident Case In 3 Simple Steps

17 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most people assume that personal injury cases are straightforward. In the case of slip and fall accidents, there is the common assumption that as long as you have the basic evidence that the accident happened, getting a settlement will be simple. The reality is that it can get very complicated when you do not have the right guidance with the process. This is why you need to hire a competent lawyer to help you with evidence gathering and all other parts of the case.

However, there are three simple things that you can do with the help of a lawyer and win a slip and fall accident case. Here are the steps to follow.

You Have to Prove Liability

The first thing that you have to prove when you want to win a slip and fall accident case is liability. Liability is when someone is supposed to exercise the duty of care, and they end up neglecting it. In the specific case of a slip and fall accident, the owner of the building should ensure that the floors, stairs, and all other parts of the house or facility have the right floor types and that the surfaces are non-slippery.

If you can prove that the house owner or manager did not follow their care duty when they were creating and managing the building, you have a strong case.

You Need to Prove Negligence

The second way to get a settlement when you have been the victim of a slip and fall is by proving negligence. For example, if you slipped and fell because of a wet floor, you can prove negligence by checking whether the manager or building owner had a sign saying that the building had slippery floors. 

If they did not have the sign, you have an excellent case of negligence. Other ways to prove negligence include not coating the floor with the slip-resistant finish, especially if another accident had happened before.

You Should Prove Responsibility

The third step in the process is proving that it was the responsibility of the person that owns and manages the building to make the improvements. For example, a commercial building is the responsibility of the owner and the one who has leased it for business. You have a higher chance of winning your case when you prove they absconded their responsibilities. 

These are three simple steps to prove you deserve compensation for a slip and fall. For more information, contact a firm like The Law Offices of Julian Lewis Sanders & Associates, LLC.