Personal Injury Law Advice

Brake Checking And Your Personal Injury Claim

25 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The Zebra, a national insurance comparison checking website, conducted a survey and found that 19.3% of motorists feel anger while driving. When another motorist believes that you are driving too close, a practice commonly referred to as "tailgating," he might slam on the brakes in a process known as "brake checking." This is often considered a sign of road rage and can lead to an accident if you do not stop in time. Read More …

4 Common Types Of Compensatory Damage You Can Get If You Win A Personal Injury Lawsuits

16 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There are many types of personal injury lawsuits, from slip and fall to car accidents to medical malpractice. At the heart of each of these cases is the idea that your body was injured and your life was negatively impacted by an event you couldn't control, but that someone else could have. When it comes to getting compensation in a personal injury lawsuit, there are various types of compensatory damage you can be compensated for. Read More …

Handling PTSD After A Car Accident

4 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

It's not just about the physical injuries after a car wreck. Many accident victims suffer from both broken bones and broken mental states. If you have been hurt through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to be compensated. Getting paid what you are owed is important, and it's vital that you understand the depth of the damage done. To help give you a better idea of what type of harm can come to your psyche, read on. Read More …

How To Deal With A Catastrophic Injuries Case

22 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you deal with a catastrophic injury, it's crucially important that you hold the other party legally responsible. With these sorts of injuries, you will have to deal with life changes that are potentially difficult to come to grips with. Because of this, you will need the assistance of the best catastrophic injuries attorney that you can find. Use these points below as a primer to help you when you need to move forward with any sort of case. Read More …

Can You File A Workers Compensation Claim For Coronavirus?

18 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you've become seriously ill with corona virus, you may have run up large medical bills and had to take a lot of time off of work without pay. These are exactly the kind of benefits you can get from workers compensation. The problem is making your claim due to corona virus can be a little tricky. Do You Have to Prove Your Employer Did Something Wrong? Workers compensation insurance is a no-fault coverage. Read More …