
When A Workplace Injury Gets Repetitive

23 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Work-related accidents are commonly covered by the employer's insurer. Some injuries, though, are unique in the way they occur. Not all work-related accidents happen in an instant. Read on to find out about repetitive strain injuries and the workers' compensation benefits victims can receive. Understanding Repetitive Strain Injuries Any time a body part is used in a repetitive fashion, an injury can occur. Tennis elbow, for example, is caused by straining the elbow by repeatedly swinging a tennis racket. Read More …

An Overview Of Auto Accident Counterclaim

20 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Don't be surprised if you are involved in an auto accident with another car and the other driver files a claim against you despite your belief in your innocence. Some people do that to stop you from filing liability claims against them. Fortunately, a claim against you does not stop you from making your move — you can even file a counterclaim against that motorist. What It Means A counterclaim is a legal claim against the motorist who files the first claim. Read More …

Get Your Financial House In Order For SSDI Payments

18 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When illness makes it impossible for you to work at your job, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to lend some assistance. For workers who have paid enough into the SSA system, monthly payments may be provided after applicants go through a lengthy approval (or disapproval) process for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The SSA no longer provides recipients with paper checks, and there is only one way to receive your monthly payments once you get approved. Read More …

Four Reasons You Need An Attorney With Experience When Injured In An Accident With A Semi-Truck

18 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been in a traffic accident with a semi-truck and you are thinking about filing a claim for damages to your car and yourself, you should first speak to a personal injury attorney. Don't choose just any attorney with experience in traffic accidents, though; you want a lawyer who has experience with truck accidents. There are important reasons for this, and the following are only a few of them. Read More …

Overheating? Get Workers’ Compensation

17 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There's no doubt that some occupations just naturally call for hot working conditions. You might work outdoors or indoors without enough air-conditioning. Whatever the cause, working in high temperatures can take a toll on the body and mind. When you get seriously affected by hot working conditions, you might want to consider filing a workers' compensation claim. To find out more, read on. Heat Stress and Heatstroke Both heat stress and heatstroke are dangerous. Read More …