
Complications You Might Face With An Accident With An Elderly Driver

29 March 2021
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Seniors are often among the most cautious and responsible drivers and benefit from decades of experience on the road. However, some seniors may suffer from cognitive decline that can impact their ability to operate a motor vehicle. If you are involved in an accident with a senior, your car wreck lawyer may factor this into the investigation into who caused the car accident. Causes of Accidents Involving Seniors Many seniors are involved in accidents because they are suffering from mobility issues and are not able to properly apply pressure to the brakes. Read More …

How To Win A Slip And Fall Accident Case In 3 Simple Steps

17 March 2021
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Most people assume that personal injury cases are straightforward. In the case of slip and fall accidents, there is the common assumption that as long as you have the basic evidence that the accident happened, getting a settlement will be simple. The reality is that it can get very complicated when you do not have the right guidance with the process. This is why you need to hire a competent lawyer to help you with evidence gathering and all other parts of the case. Read More …

What To Know If A Drunk Driver Hit You Or Your Loved One

4 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Nobody wants to get into a car accident, but sometimes, it's unavoidable because of the other driver's actions. When it comes to drunk driving, the at-fault driver is nearly always the person driving under the influence. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident with a drunk driver, keep reading to learn more. You May Be Called to Testify Many traffic violations require no witnesses, such as speeding. Read More …

What To Know About The Statute Of Limitations When Filing An Injury Lawsuit

22 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Have you been recently injured? Are you dealing with your own recovery but also need to start the process of filing an injury lawsuit? Know that you will be running up against time limits for when you need to get the necessary paperwork filed in court. Here is what you need to know about the statute of limitations in a personal injury lawsuit.  Know That You Have Time While there are statutes of limitations in place that prevent lawsuits from being filed too long after an accident happens, know that you should have plenty of time to do so after your injury occurs. Read More …

The Importance Of Retaining An Assertive Auto Accident Attorney

2 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you sustain significant damages in a car wreck, you wonder how you can physically recover and pay for the expenses that you incur as a result. In fact, under your state's personal injury laws, you are not obligated to cover the costs that result from the wreck. The party that caused it is legally obligated to compensate you for expenses like medical bills, lost income and more. However, convincing this other party to compensate you fairly can be challenging. Read More …